Crown Vetch is a very aggressive, rhizomatous legume that produces pink or white flowers. Although it is aggressive once established, its germination is slow and viable so it is a good idea to seed it with a species like Creeping Red Fescue that will germinate quicker and act as a nurse crop.
Greenfield Alternative
This specially formulated mixture is a combination of White Clover, Timothy and Grasses can be used for erosion control, wildfife cover or just for beautiful, natural esthetics.
MTO Roadside
This specially formulated mixture is the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario’s most widely used seed mixture that is ideal for roadside erosion control.
QS Pro Seeders Choice
An All-Purpose Luxury Mixture of 100% Certified Seed.for a beautiful, thick, dark and disease resistant turf.
Salt Tolerant Mixture
Specially formulated mixture using species that are tolerant of salt damage.
Seeders Choice
A high quality, all-purpose mixture for sun or shade areas with extra Perennial Ryegrass for quicker germination.
Stabilizer Mixture
Specially formulated mixture using species that hold slopes effectively.
Upland Naturalization Mixture
This beautiful combination of 11 species provides colour and plant diversity for wildliife cover, pollination, erosion control or a beautiful, natural vista.